Better listening,
better practice,
better performance.

Would you like to perform your instrument at your best in your next competition, recital, or exam?
Profound recording and listening to your performances is the most powerful strategy for success. All musicians should have the habit of doing it consistently on a regular basis. By doing so, you are able to listen to your performance freely as you notice things that you probably don’t prefer – you get more clarity on which to fix on your next instrument practice, thus, maximizing your progress. This process is especially powerful for the following issues which are very difficult to notice while playing at the same time: keeping the overall tempo, balance between voices, respect of the character of the piece, pedal clarity. To put it simply, it refers to all the important music aspects which are beyond the music notes themselves.


The most successful musicians are very committed to this process and will listen again and again to their recording to fix their performances until they like what they hear.
However, there is a big downside to this process: It is time consuming and the process of recording, the technology to go back and forth to weak spots of your performance is inefficient and a lot of time is lost in the process.
This explains why most of musicians does not record themselves much: Musicians consider this ‘inefficient time’ better invested directly into “Practice time” itself and would skip this listening phase. This is understandable but unfortunate as they could perform much better.
Weefeen is committed to support this process by helping the musicians to listen deeply to their performances and getting feedbacks on their performances:
Weefeen brings the state-of-the-art Platform to help you listen to any passage of any of your recordings efficiently and gives an unfair advantage to the musicians who want to perform at their best.
Thanks to Weefeen, you can listen to any location of your recordings in one click. It can be your own performances or even from other performers who you listen as a reference.